1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your cares upon him; for he cares for you.
Cast “all your cares” personal cares, family cares, cares for the present, and cares for the future, for yourselves, for others, for the church, on God. This means that we are to commit our whole cause to him. If we feel that we have no strength, and are in danger of being crushed by what is laid upon us, we may go and cast all upon the Lord; that is, we may look to him for grace and strength, Allow Him to carry the load. Let Go and Let God!
Dear God, I want to cast my cares to you.
Please take my load and give me peace from my problems, worry, and need.
Cast your own special cares on Jesus in Prayer.
- First printed in Blue Mound September 2014 Newsletter – It is very true even today!