Blue Mound,

This is not normal.

The last time social distancing measures were used anywhere close to this scale was during the Spanish Flu of 1918, more than 100 years ago in Philadelphia and St. Louis.

I am not a scientist, or a physician, or an economist so I cannot provide expert insights into what the next weeks, or months. I have certainly never pastored a church through a pandemic, or a recession let alone both.

What I am saying here friends is this – I don’t know what our future holds.

However, I am glad to report what I do know – I know who holds our future.

God in this season is still at work and will bring about good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose. No sickness, fear, or economic distress can separate you from God’s Love.

What I want to ask each of you is this; please don’t try to go about life as normal right now… I do not mean to panic or fear, but I do mean to intentionally allow your world to slow down around you. Reconsider all aspects of life and what is important in order that we might realign our priorities with God’s will.

We cannot be together in a building as a whole church right now. That is not normal at all. But we can allow this time to remind ourselves of the old hymn line “The church is not a building, the church is not a steeple, the church is not a resting place, the church is a people.”

I will do my best to be your pastor during this time and try to offer hope and encouragement on behalf of God who is our hope and holds our future. Please know though, that this season has not been easy on my spirit either, please lift me up in prayer. If there is anything you or a neighbor need, please reach out, even if just to let me know you’re doing alright.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Jacob Fields