July Birthdays

01  Shawn Smith (Michael)

02 Angie Culver

03  Hunter Klein

06  James Rider

08  Chris Hardin

09  Tom Brooks

15  Wally Trietsch

18  James Lockridge

21  Kenneth Klein

Ashlynn Nicole Smith

27  Logan Schertz

29  Jeff Schertz

30  Bill Schuelke

31  Sarah Schertz

July Anniversaries

07 Jim and Jeanne Levelle

18  Kris and Stacy Schertz

Robert and Alyse Hokamp


On Sunday, June 21st, we celebrated our time with Pastor Jacob and His Beautiful Family with a Drive-By, Good Bye at the church. Even with a rainstorm, we were able to wish them well with the new appointment as the Pastor of Trinity United Methodist Church in Wichita Falls to begin serving on July 1st.