Join us Sunday mornings at 10:45 a.m. for worship!
Our service centers around applying scripture to our lives, studying the bible and features traditional methodist hymns with excellent musicians. Everyone is welcome to worship at Blue Mound or online.
Recent Sermons
February 2: The Rejection of Jesus at Nazareth
January 26: Spiritual Gifts
January 19: The Wedding at Cana
January 12: The Wedding at Cana
January 5: The Visit of the Wise Men
December 29: The Boy Jesus in the Temple
December 24: Christmas Eve
December 22: Mary Visits Elizabeth
December 15: The Proclamation of John the Baptist Part 2
December 8: The Proclamation of John the Baptist Part 1
December 1: The Coming of the Son of Man
November 24: Jesus Before Pilate
September 29: Just for You || Pastor Mel West
September 22: Jesus again foretells His death and resurrection
September 15: Peter’s Declaration about Jesus
September 8: The Syrophoenician Woman’s Faith
Come And Worship With Us
The Church is conveniently located on I 35, 5 minutes north of 380, in Denton Texas.
As much as we appreciate offering the word of God digitally, we much prefer to welcome you in person.